Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Watch_Dogs Post-Mortem

***So I have not been posting here as often as I would have like to. All my time and effort has been going into my articles over at indiejuice.tv. The past 2 weeks have been crazy busy for me. I received a few review codes and have been making videos and really starting to ramp up my content production. I wanted to at least post something here so I decided to post my Watch_Dogs review. Its been out for a week and it was also my first major game in which I got a review copy. I want to thank Ubisoft for sending me over a copy and I hope you all enjoy the review***

So now that everyone has had some time with Watch_Dogs I figured it is the perfect time for me to get my thoughts out there. In the past I have been harsh on the Ubisoft title that, at the time, was not even released because of the way Ubisoft handled things. From the 6 month delay to the graphical downgrade I have been highly critical and the hype surrounding the title had subsided leading up to the release date due to their handling of the project. After having the game for a while now and sinking many hours into the game and analyzing many aspects of the game, I can safely say that Watch_Dogs did NOT live up to my expectations. BUT do not take that sentence as "I hate the game, don't buy it, its crap". The game reached a level of hype that was IMPOSSIBLE to live up to and I don't blame the game for that. I can say that I did have fun playing Watch_Dogs and I hope that Ubisoft will take the best elements from this to make Watch_Dogs 2 a better game (Ubisoft has stated that they will not develop new IP's unless they were confident they could turn them into a franchise, hence Watch_Dogs 2 should be coming).

Lets get right down to the details and see how I think this game stacks up and what it did great and what needs to be worked on.


Where to even start with this... Ubisoft had everyone under the impression that Watch_Dogs was going to be THE game to really show the power of the new generation of consoles and also push the PC to its limits (HA!). While I did play the game on PC I should make a note that Watch_Dogs came no where near where it should have been on PS4 and XboxOne. 900p and 792p both at 30FPS is not "Next Gen" and the issues I had running on PC were due to poor optimization. I was running at 1080p 60FPS on Ultra but I did drop frames here and there and when I recorded my video, I had to knock everything down to High since the game crashed on Ultra when I tried to record. I am not sure why it did that but I am using an AMD video card and there was talk that the game was developed around Nvidia and AMD was basically cast aside which may have something to do with the performance issues I was seeing. The graphical fidelity is decent for what the game was hyped up to be. It has absolutely beautiful moments and the lighting effects are pretty great in some areas but then in some places you can just see where the developers cut corners. The textures aren't smooth, the character models aren't very good in places, the car damage/physics were laughable and the draw distance was atrocious (popping. lots and lots of popping). Overall, when I am not dropping frames I was totally immersed in the world. The streets may not have been as crowded as they are in real life but Chicago did feel alive in some places.


Many people have mentioned that the Watch_Dogs gameplay falls into the same trap that plagued the first Assassin's Creed game. Repetitive nonsense. I somewhat agree to an extant that the game does get a bit tedious after a while. The game was built up around the mechanic of hacking devices and using them to manipulate the world and while the gimmick was fun in the beginning, it fell flat in the end. Hacking devolved into just simply pressing a button... and that's it... a button. "hold X to hack" is what you see all around the world and then in some instances you get involved in a puzzle which resembles pipe dream where you have to press X to manipulate the pipes to hack the device. I do believe though that the hacking mechanic has the potential to grow and become something really cool so we will have to wait and see what happens to that in the future. As for controls they were okay... as long as you were using a controller. I started the game playing on keyboard and mouse and found the controls to be terribly stiff especially when driving. Maybe its me but the kb/m controls did not cut it for me which is surprising because I usually prefer kb/m to a controller no mater what type of game I am playing. But once I switched to my Dualshock 4 controller I had a much easier time navigating and the movement felt a lot smoother to me.


I touched on this in the graphics portion, I feel the world was well done, had a lot to do, a lot to see but could have been executed a little better. One thing a lot of people bring up is the amount of people on the streets which makes sense. Chicago is a metropolis and its streets are buzzing and crowded at all times but to pull that off in game would be difficult. I felt that Watch_Dogs had more crowded areas than most other open world games do so that is a plus for them. Like I said before, Chicago felt alive in areas and especially around the landmarks you could get immersed in the game very easily. The Digital Trips added a lot of fun to the game (Spider-Tank being the best) and really opened up the world as to give you a sense of future tech in a modern world. It seems like the developers put a lot of time into building the world and it shows.


The diamond in the rough of the game. The Online has SO MUCH POTENTIAL! While I think it is a very strong aspect of the game right now, I can only imagine that it is only the framework and "test" for a much larger implementation for the next game in the series. The ability for players to hack or 'invade' your world really can lend to the atmosphere the game was trying to convey that you are constantly under watch. It makes you paranoid to stay in one area too long or go into certain places (garages, large areas of NPCs). The ground level is set and if Ubisoft could come up with new unique ways to invade other players and actually have a risk/reward type system, I think the online portion of Watch_Dogs could really expand on itself and make the next installment great.


This is the worst aspect of the game in my opinion. Very generic, very bland, and the voice acting was HORRIBLE! I mention in my video that the voice acting in a lot of scenes really feels empty, like you are literally listening to someone sitting in a booth reading their lines. The emotion is not captured right and it breaks immersion. The forgettable story had the potential to be great but falls flat on every note. Hopefully Ubisoft can step up their writing for the next game and spend some of their millions to hire some good voice actors (whats Troy Baker up to these days?) but for this game, they missed the mark completely which is a shame because of all the great story driven games we have had recently (Metro: Last Light, Bioshock Infinite, The Last of US, etc...). I wanted the story to capture me but it didn't.

All in all, Watch_Dogs is a safe game from Ubisoft. Not great but not garbage either. Forgettable story with some fun quirks and a good framework for future games in the franchise. I do recommend giving it a try as it does have enjoyable moments and is building to something bigger. After the press releases by Ubisoft generated the hype before release, Watch_Dogs was doomed to fall under the mediocre group because nothing could have delivered on the hype that was attached to this game before release. I enjoyed the game but did not love it but I am excited to see where the franchise goes in the future because it does leave a lot on the table that has the potential to make a great game if expanded upon.

Thanks for reading and until next time:

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Dreamhost reviews

Friday, May 16, 2014

Week in Review 5/16/2014

****I want to preface this post by taking some time to announce that I have officially joined the team over at IndieJuice! My first post was published last night which you can read here about my thoughts on Ubisoft's handling of the upcoming game Watch_Dogs, and I was also a guest last night on the Indiejuice Podcast which was recorded live on twitch and will be available to listen to on the website sometime this weekend (I think Saturday) but I will post that here once it is up. I am extremely excited to be part of the great team over there and I hope to contribute quality posts and generate some good discussions.****

Another week gone as we get closer and closer to E3! Some exciting things coming out of the industry in the build up to the biggest gaming convention in the world. I personally am looking forward to seeing the press conference from Sony as they were (In My Opinion) the top dogs at last years convention while Microsoft has some making up to do which they sort have started to in the lead up to the event.

And with that, let's take a look at the week that was:

Microsoft to sell XboxOne without Kinect

AKA Microsoft admitting Kinect sucks. Hey, they had to do something to boost sales right? PS4 has been dominating the market since launch and Microsoft only "won" one month since which was March and that was because of Titanfall. Well the hype around Titanfall has died down and PS4 got right back on top in April so it seems that Microsoft needed to do something drastic and this seems to be it. By removing Kinect, you are basically telling developers that you don't believe in your own hardware to a certain extent. Sure the price point of an XboxOne has now dropped to a competitive $399 but is that what was really holding back sales? I don't think so. If you look at the XboxOne and PS4 releases you will see that Sony clearly has the edge when it comes to games and quality. I think removing Kinect was a step in the right direction, but ultimately Microsoft needs competitive titles to move the system and right now it does not have very many. This years E3 is HUGE for Microsoft. You did the damage control, now tell me why you won't screw up again and what's in it for me.

FarCry 4 Announced

Actually excited for this release. Ubisoft had hinted at the title and I believe had confirmed its existence a few months ago but that's as far as that went. Just yesterday though, they officially announced the game in which "players find themselves in Kyrat, a breathtaking, perilous and wild region of the Himalayas struggling under the regime of a despotic self-appointed king." So I expect another super insane villain (and snazzy dresser according to the box art) with a great story and an interesting new environment. The game launches on November 18 of this year for PS4, PS3, XboxOne, Xbox360, and PC (though the PS3 and Xbox360 version have me worried about the graphics on their successor systems, but we will see). Hopefully (Likely) we get a cool video at E3 this year and I can't wait to see where they take the franchise next. (Also I eagerly await Blood Dragon 2!)

Watch_Dogs to run at 900p on PS4 and 792p on XboxOne both 30FPS

This was the topic of my post over at indiejuice so go check out the full article here. I will keep this brief but basically Watch_Dogs has been handled very poorly by Ubisoft. A game that they were boasting about being a true next gen experience is just not going to hit that mark at 900 and 792p and 30FPS. Frankly, the whole ordeal has been embarrassing and even though I am going to play it (on PC of course) the hype is lost with me. I hope I enjoy it but I wouldn't be surprised if its a let down. We will all see in a couple of weeks.

Halo 5 coming Fall 2015

Ah Ha! So this is what Microsoft needs to get back in the game! Right.... but just one thing, its being released a year and a half from now! Sorry Microsoft but you'll have to do better than that. I am sure the game will sell well and will push a few more consoles out the door but its SO FAR AWAY! The one good thing to take from the announcement its that 343 is promising 60FPS (no word on resolution though) so at least it should look stunning on XboxOne. Overall, I am just over the hype for Halo. Ever since Bungie left, Halo has been just another shooter. Come on Microsoft! I may not have an XboxOne but that doesn't mean I don't want healthy competition! And right now, you are like a high school soccer team compared to Sony being F.C. Barcelona!

That's all I have for this week. Be sure to check out indiejuice tomorrow when my podcast episode is posted and go check out my gameplay videos for Blizzards Heroes of the Storm and Carbines Wildstar! I will leave you all with the launch trailer for Transistor, a game launching on Tuesday from the creators of Bastion. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading and until next time:

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Friday, May 9, 2014

Week In Review 5/9/2014

Back on track with the Week In Review! This has been a good week for me, I got a couple of posts up and a gameplay video of the Heroes of the Storm Technical Alpha which you can check out here, plus I've been playing a few new games which I will have reviews written up soon (Child of Light, Infamous: Second Son) so be on the lookout for those next week. I really want to stick to the schedule this time and get at the absolute very least, the week in review done every Friday so be ready for some more content. Now, lets get right into the week that was:

Epic reveal FREE Unreal Tournament

One of, if not the GREATEST arena shooter franchises of all time is getting another, TOTALLY FREE, installment! The people over at Epic games have announced a new Unreal Tournament that is completely free, not free2play, just free meaning no microtransactions. Epic plans on generating revenue through community mods in which they will take a cut from those sales, but other than that they are giving us a free game and I am really looking forward to this. I am a big fan of arena shooters and it has been a very long time since we have had a good one. Hopefully the new Unreal will breathe new life into the arena shooters and bring them roaring back, but only time will tell. On top of just an Unreal Tournament, it is also a chance for epic to show off the new Unreal 4 Engine as they have used past Unreal Tournament games as basically tech demos of their new engines. The community aspect is very interesting and could lead to some great innovations in the genera. This is a 100% pick up for me and should be for everyone else as well just for the fact that it is free and the Unreal franchise has long been a celebrated brand.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire announced

If you have read my previous posts lately, I have been playing through Pokémon X. Pokémon X is the first Pokémon game I have played since Red/Blue and I am having an absolute blast! With this announcement of remakes for the generation 3 Pokémon games, I am a bit excited to go back and experience all that I have missed in the franchise. Looking forward to see what comes out of these and really excited to bury myself with Pokémon again.

Elder Scrolls Online delayed 6 months for consoles

Can Zenimax get any worse? The PC version of ESO has BOMBED big time between the tons of microtransactions and the GAME BREAKING BUGS to the destroying of the WHOLE in-game economy on day 12! The console version of ESO seems like it will be Dead On Arrival. With the poor reviews for the PC version, how anyone still wants to pick up the game on a console is beyond me. The ONLY thing that MAY save the game, is the 6 months being a development push to fix the bugs and re-balance the game but I really don't see that happening. It's probably more just optimization for the consoles with a few bug fixes to make it stable at launch which I still wouldn't pay for. Save your money people.

Wildstar enters Open Beta

Another World of Warcraft challenger appears! Enter Wildstar, a game with a very similar art style and from what I hear, gameplay to WoW. I will pick it up later this weekend and give a quick look, and from the screenshots and the trailer, I do like what I see on the surface. We will see how the game plays out though and I'll see if I can do a review (I don't know if there is an NDA for this Beta, I assume no considering it is Open Beta).

That's all I have for this week, keep checking back for some more videos and content next week (I will try my hardest I promise!).

Thanks for reading and until next time:

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dreamhost rebate

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Heroes of the Storm Gameplay Video

This past weekend I had some time to make a video of the technical alpha for Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm. Check it out below and read my thoughts on the game here.

In other news, I am currently trudging through a ton of different games so be on the lookout for some reviews shortly (Infamous: Second Son, Child of Light, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, and Pokemon X to name a few). Hopefully I will also find the time to get some episodes of The Arena Run edited and posted as well as starting to do a weekly Starcraft II cast. So keep checking back for more content and also go check out indiejuice.tv for some great content from the folks over at Black Shell Games.

Thanks for reading and until next time:

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Heroes of the Storm Technical Alpha

This past weekend I was privileged with Alpha access to Heroes of the Storm. I was able to sink some time into the game to get a general understanding of what the game is about and how the mechanics work. Before I go fully into this review I must state that I have very little experience with MOBAs. I never played League of Legends and I have MAYBE played 5 matches of DOTA2 so I went into HOTS with little experience in the genera. I will break down the review into sections of the game content so I can focus on different aspects.


First and foremost, the game is very streamlined compared to other MOBAs. I may not have experience playing LoL or DOTA2 but I have witnessed the game being played as an e-sport for some time (particularly DOTA2). Blizzard has optimized the game so that a standard match takes between 20-30 mins as far as I can tell (based on all the games I have played so far, the longest was almost 40 mins but the majority were about 25-30 mins). Each map has objective based themes that both side fight for to gain a slight advantage which adds depth and variety to the game that is not really found in other MOBAs. I hope there will be more maps upon full release (right now there are 3) because that would really set it apart from the pack. Blizzard has gotten rid of 'item shops' where you use gold earned by your team to buy upgrades and such and instead uses a 'skill tree' based model paired with shared team experience. This works out perfect I feel. You can never have one character that can stay behind and gain experience until they are 4/5 levels ahead of everyone else and you have to work with your team to level up together and make your pushes on towers/gates more powerful as you go. Sure, there are times where a team will totally snowball and demolish the opposing side but I believe that will be addressed through matchmaking once the game is released and there are more players.

Learning Curve

Compared to DOTA2 and LoL, HOTS feels a lot more casual. The elimination of item shops and the group leveling system means everyone is on the same level playing field and offers a more balanced approach to matches in that each game is based on the skill of players and not because of certain items that are boosting abilities. We wont know what the highest level of play will entail (read: e-sports) until the game is released and tournaments start to pop up so there is no way to really tell right now what the skill ceiling is of the game but I can see that there is a lot of emphasis on individual skill, so over time we should be seeing a gap in player competitiveness. The game is really easy to get into and the practice mode helps a lot in getting new players up to speed and familiar with the mechanics of the game. Even though Blizzard is late to the party with this MOBA, I feel their tactics at making the game more lax and easy to understand will propel the game to be competitive with DOTA2 and LoL. HOTS has already established heroes that have back stories and abilities that the fans are familiar with which I believe is a huge plus and a secret boost to the games popularity. But, as I said overall, the game is easy to learn and play while at the same time feels that the skill required to reach the professional level can be very high.


Not a huge variety as of yet in the Alpha test but that is to be expected. Blizzard has said there will be more heroes as the game progresses so I am not worries about that. Heroes are divided into 4 types, Assassin, Warrior, Support, Specialist and each has at least one hero from either Starcraft, Warcraft or Diablo. You can use gold or real money to buy more heroes to use but there are always 6 heroes available to you that are on rotation. The balancing seems pretty good overall, but there are a few heroes that do feel very overpowered (Tassadar and Stitches) but keeping in mind this is an Alpha test and knowing Blizzard, these will more than likely be patched for balance later down the road. I have only played with a few of the heroes so I am still learning a ton about the mechanics of each hero but everything seems very easy to pick up on. I understand the abilities right away and and able to figure out the best use of them in certain scenarios.


Money Money Money. This part is something I feel Blizzard has very wrong right now. The real money prices for skins, mounts and heroes seems ridiculously high. Of course you can grind gold for free to unlock everything but the gold income you get for playing games and completing daily quests is very low right now. I hope Blizzard is just testing their options and upon the release of the game, the real money prices become more reasonable. I would gladly drop a few bucks here and there for certain heroes or skins but with it being at the time of this writing ~$9 per hero, I will pass for now and grind my gold to get them.


Not really much to say yet about this since there aren't a ton of people in the Alpha. Right now I haven't really encountered much BM but that could all change. One of the main reasons I never got into LoL of DOTA2 is the toxic community so I will keep my eyes on this aspect as the game gains more and more players. Any game will always have its fair share of BM players and MOBAs are particularly notorious for that but as of right now, I feel because of the small player base and the more laid back and streamlined feel of the game, the community is fairly tame and friendly.


I have fallen in love with HOTS. The inviting nature of the game really got me into it. So far, I have never felt that I am not good enough for the game and I have never been berated by any players. The game was easy to understand and gives me a ton of resources to practice which will only improve by release. There are enough heroes right now to satisfy me and the rotation means I can try out new heroes regularly. I cannot wait for more players to join and to have more maps and gameplay variety.

I will try and make a video this weekend to show you all so be on the lookout for that!


Thanks for reading and until next time:

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Far Too Long

It has been way too long since I have gotten out an update. Real life hit pretty hard these past few weeks (nothing serious just a lot of work!) but now I have some time to get things going again. I hope to restart The Arena Run and get a few episodes of that loaded up, I want to make a video with my thoughts about the recent Facebook acquisition of Oculus Rift and what that means to me and other gamers, and I just want to PLAY! With a few great games coming out soon and some that are already out, I want to get some reviews done (Dark Souls 2 for PC, Daylight, Child of Light to name a few) and get some let's play videos out there (I'm thinking of Starbound, State of Decay and Path of Exile to get started). When I have had the time to play, most of it has been sunk into Titanfall which is absolutely amazing in my opinion. A real breath of fresh air in the stagnating FPS market. I just started Infamous: Second Son this past weekend and hope to finish that real soon and get out my thoughts. I got sucked into Pokemon X which is bringing back some strong memories for me (X is the first Pokemon game I have played since the original Red/Blue!). I picked up Octodad and it is a total blast! Such a fun/silly game that I am really enjoying. And finally (fingers crossed) I should be able to stream! I moved my computer a bit and am getting a decent upload speed so I will try that out soon and see if I can get a stable stream going.

One last thing to add is that I recently have been involved with the people over at Black Shell Games who just released their game Sanctuary. Go grab it here, its a free to play RPG and its really great. Also go check out their podcast, which I hope to be joining soon once I get some free time, here.

Just wanted to make a quick post letting you guys know I have not gone anywhere and I am working with some great people to put out more content. Hopefully tomorrow I will get a post about Blizzards new game Heroes of the Storm as I have been involved in the technical alpha, so come back and check that out!

Thanks for reading and until next time:

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Friday, February 28, 2014

Update Time and the Week in Review

I have been up to a lot this week! I got out 2 videos and I am working on a few more things. I started my episodic show called The Arena Run where I play Hearthstone AND I just posted my Beta impression video for the newly released Rengade X. On top of that, I have plenty more in the works and I hope to be posting a few more videos either this weekend or early next week so keep checking back. I will have a full write up on my thoughts and features run down of the Beta for Rengade X which I have had a lot of fun with so far as you can see in the video. Things are really starting to get going and the sooner I get more followers the sooner I can start doing contests to get rid of all these game keys I have hoarded over the past year or so. With all that said, lets get in to the week that was!

Dean "Rocket" Hall to leaeve Bohemia at the end of the year

OK... Don't Panic! I know it looks bad for DayZ and people are calling it another Early Access failure but Dean Hall has stated before that he was planning on leaving AFTER he hit certain goals with the team at Bohemia. If you follow DayZ's updates you will see that there is a very detailed roadmap in place that brings the development of the game right up to a tentative release to Beta near the end of this year. Assuming all goals are met, I see no problem with Dean leaving to start up another project. If the game is in Beta then that means there are no more core feautres that will be left to be added and the Beta will just be used to uncover and fix bugs before a proper release. I don't see this as Dean taking the money already made by DayZ and running, leaving the game unfinished just that he specifically won't be needed at the company any longer because his input was already taken into account and as I said, all that's left to do in the game is fix bugs. I may be in the minority right now, but I still have 100% faith that DayZ upon proper release will be better than any other zombie survival game on the market right now.

Burial at Sea Part 2 gets 1998 mode

The swansong for Irrational Games. The last part of Burial at Sea is coming and with that, a new game mode that ups the difficulty for the player. As we know, we will be playing Part 2 as Elizabeth and it has been stated that the game will take between 4-6 hours to complete. Hopefully this delivers and is another solid release in the Bioshock franchise. I have no reason to think this final entry into Bioshock by Irrational is a cash grab and I look forward to playing through Part 2. You can check out their blog post about the new mode here and I wish Ken Levine and the rest good luck on any future projects they work on.

Renegade X enters Open Beta

As I stated in the opening of this post, Renegade X has entered Open Beta. A sort of HD update to under-appreciated Command & Conquer Renegade that was put out by a small studio called Totem Arts. They acquired the IP from EA with the only stipulation that they make it free and not monetize it in any way. So far the game has been an absolute BLAST for me. It brings me back years to when I played the original Renegade religiously. It might not be the best shooter or the most polished but it hit me right in the nostalgia when I jumped into my first game. The Command & Conquer franchise is one of my top 3 franchises of all time. It was my first introduction into RTS games and I have loved everything they put out up until Generals (AKA all the games by Westwood). Check it out for yourself, ITS FREE! Get it here and check out my Let's Play below (Sorry for the quality dip halfway through, I will re-render the video and re-upload sometime soon so you get to see it in HD).

That's mainly it for this week. A few good games are coming our way in the month of March so be on the lookout for some more videos and impression posts. I will leave episode 1 of The Arena Run below for you all to watch and as stated above, I am working on tons more content and I can't wait to get it all out to you guys!

Thanks for reading and until next time:

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